
Evidance-Based Resources integrated in our services.

Nurse Retention Toolkit

Our company strives to integrate several themes from the Nursing Retention Tool (Government of Canada, 2024) 

Inspired Leadership,

Flexible and balanced ways of working,

Organizational Mental Health &
Wellness Supports,

Professional Development
& Mentorship,

Strong Management &

Safe Staffing Practices

Senior Friendly Care (SFC)

 We integrate the SFC Framework's 7 Guiding Principles & 5 Domains-aligned with the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Age-Friendly City Framework, with a focus on the “community support and health services” domain.

Supporting Resilience,

Independence, & Quality of Life

Compassion & Respect
Informed & Empowered Older Persons & Families

Person&Relationship Centred Partnerships

Safety & Security

Timely Equitable & Affordable


Supportive Organizations